Shower and work out what we are wearing
Wake the children – and that can sometimes be a challenge in itself
Pack lunches or maybe you are one of the organized parents with lunches packed the night before – well done
Dress the children and make sure bags are packed including the lunches
Oh I almost forgot – FEED the family and the pets before rushing out the door
So what is your morning routine like? Wish there were more hours in the day? We are all busy parents rushing off to work or other commitments. Or maybe you are a grandparent helping out with the family. Whatever the case may be, morning time is always busy.
So when do we think about dinner?
Perhaps you have a fleeting thought during the day, during one of your hungry spells. Or maybe it is on the way home where it becomes a gnawing thought, "Oh dear, what can I give the family for dinner?" Well, one solution is to buy food in bulk, cook the meat and freeze it. This does seem to work really well for some families. This just leaves simple tasks when you arrive home from work – do the veggies and reheat the meat. Of course we must not forget to get the meat out of the freezer although if you have time, try to get it out in the morning and put it in the fridge to thaw in readiness for later on.