Weight Loss Hypnosis

Have you tried all the diets under the sun and they didn’t work? Then why is they happening. Because in the end your cravings for unhealthy food, and perhaps your will power, let you down.

How does the Unconscious Mind Affect our Weight

The responsibility of your unconscious mind is to keep you healthy. So if feel you would be happy with that chocolate of the chips, then it will steer you towards that section of the supermarket. You will buy it and thoroughly enjoy that food. How did you feel after you ate it? No doubt it was good and it felt good for a time but then you felt disappointed and maybe even angry with yourself.

No doubt you plan to diet and exercise and you may lose weight and you may either plateau or put it back on again.

Why do we put the weight back on?

There are a number of reasons why this can happen:-

  1. This can be attributed to emotional experiences in the past where the person is wearing the weight like a bubble wrap to keep them protected from the outside world
  2. Hypothyroidism defines a state of sluggish thyroid function and metabolism.  Hypothyroidism means that the metabolism is sluggish and therefore there is often an increase in weight.
  3. Person becomes bored and slips back into old habits

Note: This under active thyroid is often confused with Hashimoto which is an  autoimmune disease affecting the thyroid.

What is Weight Loss Hypnosis?

Is it now time to give Weight Loss with Hypnosis a go?

Hypnosis does help you to:

  • Eliminate cravings for ‘bad’ foods
  • Boost cravings for healthy foods
  • Control your appetite and portion sizes
  • Say good-bye to emotional eating
  • Improve your health
  • Come to enjoy exercise
  • Reach your weight goals
  • Look and feel better
  • Obtain a greater sense of health and well being

How Can Hypnosis Help Me

If you are seeking help or experiencing the frustration of being overweight, then reach out and make contact. The Hypnotherapist Maureen Hamilton says her greatest love is to see just one more person being taken from the crutches of the sugar induced foods and being free of this killing condition.

Maureen can be contacted on 1300 619 684 or alternatively you can make your booking online and set your date to take control and change your life by not going on a diet but making a LifeStyle change in only three easy sessions.

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